Words that leftists should not use, chapter 10

After the massive hysterics and potential/probable missteps this week regarding DACA, amnesty, and immigration law enforcement in general, I thought it would be an excellent time to present this word that the left really doesn’t have a flippin’ clue how to use.  That word is “immigrant.”

A lot of the time, when lefties run their filthy mouths about how President Trump and his supporters “hate immigrants” or want bad things to happen to “immigrants” or are hostile to “immigrants,” people respond by pointing out that as a general rule, Americans and conservatives have no problem whatsoever with legal immigrants regardless of what color or nationality or religion they are.  They went through the process and are here because they want to be part of our country, and we say good on ’em for it.  This is distinguished significantly from illegal immigrants who sneaked in the back door and proceeded to sponge off the public dole, vote illegally, commit crimes (and their presence in the country IS a crime), and in general demonstrate in stark terms why we have immigration laws in the first place.  This is not a bad thing to point out but it misses the heart of the matter almost entirely.

Because you see, to the left, “immigrant” means “brown person who is loaded with culture who wants to live in the United States, regardless of reasons or legal right to do so.”  That’s not what “immigrant” means at all.  To put it simply, when the term “immigrant” is used properly, adding “legal” is redundant.  An immigrant is a person who travels to a country with the intent to remain there and to become a citizen of that country, and to integrate into that country.  It does not mean that you abandon your national identity, but it does mean that you subsume it into the fabric of the community or nation that you wish to join.  This is the entire concept of the “melting pot,” which you’d think the leftists would be all about since forcing conformity is their thing, until you realize that melting into American culture (which there definitely is) is something the left does not want at all.  An actual immigrant does not refuse to learn English or self-segregate into ethnic cloisters to create a little outpost of Mexico or Burma or China or Morocco or whatever country they left.  Sure, they might settle near family and friends initially and might speak their native language at home, but the expectation is not that you’re setting up some kind of foreign embassy.

This is why the term “illegal immigrant” is improper, because if you are in fact illegal, then you are NOT an immigrant.  An immigrant seeking to become part of a country peacefully and legitimately doesn’t start that process by breaking that nation’s laws (no matter how “racist” lefties might think those laws are).  The process is long but really, it’s not awful nor is it difficult.  If you don’t go by the legal process then really, “immigrant” is not the term for you.  “Invader” is a better one.  “Alien” works too if “invader” sounds too hostile, but really, you enter in violation of the law with the intent to subvert the host nation and/or plunder its resources?  Sounds like an invader to me.

The whole point of a nation allowing immigration is, to quote the Borg, to add your distinctiveness to our own.  Which is to say, you’re going to be one of us, but we’re happy to add the unique things you bring to our society on top of that.  The point of immigration is expressly NOT to transform the host country into the third-world craphole you just got out of.  The word for that is “conquest.”  Of course many lefties think they’d be thrilled to death if evil racist capitalist racist white supremacist racist bigoted racist America’s culture was overtaken and supplanted by third world barbarians, without for a moment even considering that the Western Civilization they despise and belittle is the source of the prosperity and freedom that the rest of the world envies–and no, children, it has nothing to do with skin color.

And finally, you’re also not an immigrant if you were brought here as a child through no fault or action of your own.  But if you’re as awesome as the DACA cheerleaders claim then you should have no trouble at all breezing through naturalization.  Somehow I doubt that every one of you will, which is why we have a naturalization process in the first place.

Another word coming up next week.  Got plenty more where the first ten came from.

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